Aviation Books

Utilize the links listed to search for reference, historical, training or entertainment material. We even have aviation magazines to keep you abreast of the latest in the industry. Construction manuals for the home builder and gyroplane specfic books.

Gyroplanepassion is viewed by people around the globe and having been around a good part of it, I realized that aviation books can be rather hard to find in some parts of the world. So I am pleased to be affilated with a great company that can provide this material to a great many of our visitors.

Throughout the website you may see little icons that depict the book or books relevant to the subject. Some of the icons may say photo not available but the book is still there. If you click on the icon you will be directed to a description of the book, the cost and an option to buy. If you decide to buy great, if you opt to buy at another time or just not interested you can close out the window and return directly to gyroplanepassion.com. So don't be afraid to click around on the site.

I hope you all find this service useful and enjoy the benefit of not having to leave a site for the reference materials you are seeking.

Aviation Biographies

Flight Books

Special Book of the Month

Apple iTunes

textbookx.com (Akademos, Inc.)